Monday, November 23, 2009

Hee hee jus wen U think it can’t get any better (or worse :P as d case may b :)) it does :P as though in sheer defiance 2 ur thot process :P Hmmm, how many of us r truly 'open' as ppl? :) Bein open's not jus abt bein liberal n broad minded. . .tat it is undoubtedly, but it goes beyond tat. . .it's abt bein open 2 new experiences. . .if a new avenue opens out in front of U, go 4 it :) trust ur instincts while pickin which new experience 2 open up 2, but do open up :) acceptin somethin, anythin new in2 ur life doesn NECESSARILY mean throwin away everythin else tat U've stood by all these yrs :) one must use one's discretion :) bein open also entails acceptin ppl as they r :) not expectin them 2 change 4 ur sake :) tat's neither bein fair 2 tat person as he/she is not bein accepted unconditionally and neither is it bein fair 2 urself as one might get disappointed wen expected changes do not occur :) bein open also means forgivin ppl, whether or not U love them, 4 ur peace of mind n also 4 d other person, ppl deserve chances, like Gandhiji sd "Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes" :) it's imp 2 b generous wid ur emotions n love :) give :) b happy :)