Monday, March 2, 2009

Nobody deserves 2 b Atlas. . .wat's d point if he's a God? A person forced 2 carry d world's burden, not even his own, has no value, no respect even if he's doin a herculean task. . .nobody deserves 2 b burdened. . .n tat too burdened wid wat? Expectations, compromises, sacrifices, 'moral' codes, societal norms. . .living ONLY 4 others can b like slow poison. . .oh no it won't kill U instantly, no not every1's tat lucky. . .it kills U bit by bit. . .it kills U n U kill urself everyday on account of all dis. . .where does d 'I' cum in d picture? Is there an 'I' at all? Listen, yes V must listen 2 wat others have 2 say, listen 2 it n respect, but don't agree at d cost of ur person bein crushed like d grass beneath sum1's feet. . .

You can't make every1 happy, so whom do U please? D 'authorities', society? Wait. . .is there sum1 imp missin fm d list. . .sum1 who's d closest 2 U. . .yes there is. . .d person in my mirror :) if she can't b happy, then there's no way she can help me 2 make others happy. . . I need her 2 b happy, she deserves 2 b happy, every1 does, but she deserves 2 b d happiest person in my life 'coz she's been wid me all my life, thru thick n thin, thru EVERYTHIN. . . I owe her happiness d most :)

R U not capable of bein U? R U not responsible enuf 2 b U? Do U not respect or love urself enuf 2 jus b urself n follow ur heart? If U do, then jus b U. . .


ViRaNa said...

Awesome :)Self confidence, clarity, happiness, purity, and many more things which I don't wanna list here.. :) Just keep up this spirit always.. :)

ramyasastry said...

Ah...spoken like a true free person :):) incidentally the word verification i have to type below to post my comment is "uphill"'s an uphill task to be free in this biased world but once u achieve it there is no looking back :)

allies_allways said...

wow, i really wanna know what brought this on!!! such an impassioned post MUST have something that provoked it!! but yeah, well said :)