Just feeling bit silly and cheeky today, hence the following :P
Things a girl should avoid saying to a guy:
''This hairstyle really suits you"- He thinks ‘Well, it was just to prevent people from noticing my receeding hairline’
''It’s not fair that you eat so much yet still don’t put on weight but we do''- He wonders ‘You call THAT eating?’
A joke. They seldom find a girl’s joke funny. On the other hand, they think you’re dim if you don’t laugh loudly at theirs!
''You should smile more, especially in photos''- He thinks that’s being showy or fake and a subtle smile should do it, especially if it’s a girl taking the photo. . .she's not gonna take it well anyway!
''I think I’ve put on weight''- He thinks ‘My God, these girls! Hmmm, it’s been a while since I hit the gym. . .’
''You look good in formals''- He’ll just give you a small smile, not say anything, but is thinking ‘Hmmm, she thinks I look good in formals? Nice. . .’ :)
''Oh I downloaded so many songs yesterday, hope my internet bill doesn’t shoot up''- 'Amateur. . .'
''My cellphone’s conked''- He assumes you to be a technologically challenged human (read woman), gives you millions of solutions, only to later find out that you’ve tried them all out and more, and that, your phone is actually conked! :P
''How about you try sporting a stubble?''- He thinks that’s a stupid idea and eventually tries it out ‘because he got bored of his current look and wanted a change’ :P
''Please take care of yourself''- He sighes, thinking ‘I already have a mum, thank you!’
''That friend of yours was trying to hit on me. . .''- He’ll just brush that aside, might at the max call it harmless flirting and think ‘I’m gonna get things straight with him, what the hell was that about??!’
''What would you say if a friend of yours asked you out?''- Even if he asks you such a thing, such a question from your end freaks the hell outta him :P
''Awww, so cute. . .''- He just smiles and there’s no saying whether or not he’s thinking anything at all!
''I love you''- NO COMMENTS.
1. "Hmmmm, I don't know"
This is the standard response to just about any attempt one makes to begin conversation, ask questions etc etc.
2. Oh ok.
This when just about anything you say. like a "love you" out of the blue, as though the words were uttered in Greek or some other unfathomable language.
3. Yeah, I know
This for everything that they don't know :P
Jokes apart, I love the XYs I know :)
...and BINGO was his name-o :P :P :P
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