Monday, March 22, 2010

People gathered in dozens
To see the new 'pair';
The Dwarf and the Princess;
And goodness did they stare!

And watch all puzzled and amazed,
The beautiful princess, the plain dwarf
Some called it true love
While others merely scoffed

The princess was sweet, down to earth,
The dwarf too was kind. . .
Not too different, but they were
Two souls, two minds. . .

Engaged and to be married,
A couple rare to find;
But a storm incognito
Was going on in the mind

Of the young, plain dwarf
Who worried and wondered
Why she loved him at all;
How to him she surrendered. . .

Did she love him at all
Or was she fulfilling an obligation;
For a favour once done. . .
Oh he lived in perturbation

In thirst, in agony,
Time was of the essence;
Nothing more important in his life
Than her dear presence

A choice to make
And he made it alright. . .
Introspecting his future
Bit murky, bit bright.  . .

The Songbird had delivered
Yet another song. . .
One can think and judge
Whether it was right or wrong.  . .

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