Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beaten, bruised, broken frame
Thought of straightening it out
If not a change of breed,
Atleast a change of creed

Engulfing new grain,
A vessel of thoughts, a smear of ash
Embracing a novel tune
All, perhaps, too much too soon

Most of all, a new patron,
Through love, faith and hope
Or so he hoped,
Alas, perhaps a bit doped

The cloud of doubt hung above,
Akin to Damocles' sword
However not as sharp;
More a tangy melody of a harp

Something new, yet unturned,
No doubt it was exalting
But had he truly gained?
Forasmuch he was still pained 

Option still open,
Oozing crimson below five
Or just wait and sigh,
Till morning is nigh. . .

1 comment:

Shoma said...

love the images :) the use of 'crimson' and the use of 'perhaps' encapsulates it all. Perhaps is such a strong word na?