Wednesday, August 26, 2009

“When fate wronged me, I had not the wisdom to remain cool; I turned desperate; then I degenerated”

Life takes U thru waters U never thot U’d charter :) guess tat’s wat make each person’s lfe so unique. . .one helluva emotional rollercoaster :P joy, sorrow, disappointment, excitement, love, hatred, U name it :P EVERY person’s been thru them all. . .but today I’m experiencin somethin I never thot I would. . .they say love hurts n boy does it or wat :P a lotta hurt, anger, disappointment over a stretch of a coupla days :) but now, I realized somethin. . .wen U love sum1 wid all ur heart n wen tat love’s reached a pinnacle, n wen U feel tat it’s all gone, yes initially U feel hurt n nothin seems right in d world. . .but I felt somethin I never thot I would. . .I’m no longer angry or disappointed. . .I’m feelin light. . .n happy. . .I asked myself if it was relief. . .nope tat’s not it. . .ah. . .it’s d feelin tat d love in ur heart cannot b taken away fm U :) after a point, even if d person U love, whoever it may b, doesn love U in return, worse, hates U in return or breaks ties fm U, it doesn hurt anymore. . .’coz U jus begin 2 love them so much tat there’s no room 4 hatred. . . :) it’s a bittersweet feelin :) it’s like even if say 4 instance d person, ppl, I love were 2 come n beat me up (:P), abuse me n tell me 2 my face tat they don’t want me in their life, I simply cannot hate them :) like one of those puppies tat simply follows even after U ask it 2 go away :P but no, I ain’t gonna follow :) ‘coz tat’d b intrusion. . .especially after U’ve been told 2 give space n U realize how imp tat is. . . :) but I’m fine :) I’ve memories, feelings, emotions tat r mine n here 2 stay. . .let’s all learn to love, love love :) ‘coz as goes a quote I once read, act of love is an act of self evolution even when d purpose of d act is sum1 else’s growth :)

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